High DA TF Local Business Listing Directory Citation Sites AUSTRALIA 2021 - Sourabh Nagori

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Friday, 21 May 2021

High DA TF Local Business Listing Directory Citation Sites AUSTRALIA 2021

Build local citations in Australia

Our experienced citation team regularly builds over 30k citations every month, and we submit to more than 120 citation sites in Australia alone.

Take the stress out of citation building and sign up for a free account today. From just $2 per site, we can provide you with a complete and accurate set of citations within 14 days.

Local Business Listing Sites AUSTRALIA

Australia Local Citation Sites

Australian directory submission sites list

Directory Submission Sites Australia Domain Authority (DA) Alexa Rank Pricing

www.australiadirectory.net 38 1,960,520 Free/Paid

australiandirectories.com.au 22 8,371,325 Free/Paid

www.aussieseek.com 24 8,432,735 Free/Paid

www.list-directory.info 39 1,787,483 Free/Paid

www.aussieimporters.com 37 3,692,610 Free/Paid

www.auseverything.com.au 38 3,432,296 Free/Paid

ozfind.com.au 37 6,269,457 Free/Paid

freedirectory.com.au 32 1,304,499 Free/Paid

bizdirect.com.au 36 4,125,604 Free/Paid

www.findingaustralia.com 35 9,476,902 Free/Paid

www.australia5com.com 36 4,962,266 Free/Paid

www.links.anchor.com.au 54 637,207 Free/Paid

www.bhanvad.com 50 212,792 Free/Paid

www.addeals.com.au 40 2,663,479 Free/Paid

www.advanceaustraliafair.com 36 5,304,157 Free/Paid

www.tradewithaustralia.com/exporters 36 8,889,640 Free/Paid

www.bigjumbuck.com 8 12,061,441 Free/Paid

www.guideaustralia.com 36 4,387,686 Free/Paid

www.sydneybusinessdirectory.net 37 4,599,581 Free/Paid

www.websiteguide.com.au 25 3,179,370 Free/Paid

www.web-directory-australia.info 39 2,100,902 Free/Paid

www.maternal.com.au 38 8,504,398 Free/Paid

kangaroobiz.com 20 4,557,386 Free/Paid

www.directoryaustralian.com 36 5,192,544 Free/Paid

www.possumpages.com.au 37 7,311,901 Free/Paid

www.auspage.com 36 7,285,086 Free/Paid

www.ozn.com.au 13 0 Free/Paid

industrylink.com.au 29 11,669,508 Free/Paid

www.247webdirectory.com 49 217,488 Free/Paid

www.ersatz.com.au 23 3,615,376 Free/Paid

www.katanningwa.com 22 13,566,496 Free/Paid

www.worlddirectory.com.au 23 4,108,465 Free/Paid

www.directorycritic.com 56 150,096 Free/Paid

www.australialinks.com.au 38 3,236,864 Free/Paid

www.freead.com.au 47 19,574,556 Free/Paid

directory.com.au 43 1,338,439 Free/Paid

dewalist.com.au 45 387,524 Free/Paid

www.jadoo.com.au/search 36 2,282,939 Free/Paid

topdirectory.com.au 38 4,387,695 Free/Paid

www.adventurepro.com.au 41 1,467,486 Free/Paid

adelaidebusiness.directory 27 9,261,817 Free/Paid

www.dlook.com.au 62 383,024 Free/Paid

www.directory.yourestate.com.au 43 0 Free/Paid

www.atozpages.com.au 44 1,008,260 Free/Paid

www.noosa-holiday-accommodation.com.au 18 7,252,266 Free/Paid

australia.bizdirlib.com 46 168,862 Free/Paid

www.australiatravelsearch.com.au 40 2,251,356 Free/Paid

australianstrataservicesdirectory.net 13 5,406,576 Free/Paid

www.australia-directory.com 21 14,581,632 Free/Paid

www.webnetwork.com.au 42 905,550 Free/Paid

www.ausdirectory.org 37 6,872,999 Free/Paid

www.jadoo.com.au 36 2,282,939 Free/Paid

www.australia24.com.au 37 3,334,943 Free/Paid

www.ozebiz.com.au/glinks 43 4,393,735 Free/Paid

www.perthwa.com/pages 36 5,041,438 Free/Paid

www.aussiebusiness.directory 24 6,656,359 Free/Paid

Free business listing sites for Australia

Australia Business Listing Sites Domain Authority (DA) Alexa Rank Price www.freeadstime.org

www.visitperth.com/business-directory 56 733,647 Free

business.gov.au/Registrations/Register-your-business-name 71 6,359 Free

aussie-hours.com 15 341,297 Free/Paid

www.bayside.vic.gov.au/community-directory 55 597980 Free

truefinders.com.au 18 316,905 Free/Paid

e-australia.com.au 14 N/A Free/Paid

hipages.com.au 54 51,898 Free/Paid

fashionplaytes.com 58 501,112 Free/Paid

localstore.com.au 29 219,633 Free/Paid

iglobal.co 41 62,670 Free/Paid

au.zenbu.org 21 830,434 Free/Paid

go4it.com.au 14 477,079 Free/Paid

service.com.au 26 383,275 Free/Paid

infobel.com 59 20,085 Free/Paid

yellow.com.au 35 142,095 Free/Paid

whereis.com 52 37,758 Free/Paid

ibizprofile-au.com 17 657,125 Free/Paid

infoisinfo-au.com 21 562,803 Free/Paid

mumbrella.com.au/business-directory 64 61,202 Free/Paid

www.wampit.com.au 40 2,087,004 Free/Paid

www.oneflare.com.au 60 82,518 Free/Paid

www.purelocal.com.au 44 545,482 Free/Paid

www.eclickd.com.au 27 4485175 Free/Paid

www.businesszoom.com.au 44 1,524,586 Free/Paid

poidb.com 41 606,910 Free/Paid

www.localbusinessguide.com.au 43 528,650 Free/Paid

www.australiabizdir.com 21 2,374,878 Free/Paid

www.adelaidebd.com.au 36 943,133 Free/Paid

www.bigjumbuck.com 8 12,061,441 Free/Paid

www.australiayp.com 40 1,132,921 Free/Paid

www.findinaustralia.com 22 1,788,680 Free/Paid

localbusinesslink.com.au 22 3,848,049 Free/Paid

www.findbusinessonline.com.au 37 2,609,180 Free/Paid

ibizprofile-au.com 34 1,685,422 Free/Paid

www.yourtradie.com.au 12 3,266,996 Free/Paid

www.localcraft.com.au 19 3,908,552 Free/Paid

portlincoln.net 31 5,189,889 Free/Paid

abpd.com.au 36 2,340,843 Free/Paid

www.aus61business.com 32 1,393,647 Free/Paid

www.wordofmouth.com.au 51 154,410 Free/Paid

onlylocal.com.au 25 3,854,759 Free/Paid

www.australianbusines.com 8 7,695,203 Free/Paid

www.dizylocal.com.au 30 751,938 Free/Paid

www.nationwide.com.au 40 1,419,261 Free/Paid

www.aussieweb.com.au 51 322,763 Free/Paid

zipleaf.auz.net 53 982,086 Free/Paid

www.businesslistingnow.com 48 769,149 Free/Paid

www.bloo.com.au 41 1,171,643 Free/Paid

www.penrithaustralia.com.au 31 3,925,520 Free/Paid

clickblue.com.au 48 1,380,483 Free/Paid

www.beautyandspas.com.au 23 9,887,874 Free/Paid

www.truelocal.com.au 75 48,462 Free/Paid

www.find-us-here.com 60 227,785 Free/Paid

www.yellowbook.com.au 40 1,439,279 Free/Paid

www.goguide.com.au 34 838,904 Free/Paid

www.yalwa.com.au 43 943,798 Free/Paid

www.companiesofaustralia.com 8 0 Free/Paid

www.aubizs.com 26 1,573,985 Free/Paid

www.flyingsolo.com.au 52 279,795 Free/Paid

www.agfg.com.au 55 352,506 Free/Paid

www.nationaldirectory.com.au 45 734,766 Free/Paid

get.whitepages.com.au/listings 64 46,739 Free/Paid

nearfinderau.com 35 870,620 Free/Paid

www.tuugo.biz 50 399,243 Free/Paid

augoals.com 9 6,096,648 Free/Paid

www.ourpatch.com.au 53 424,922 Free/Paid

www.localcraft.com.au 19 3,908,552 Free/Paid

www.hotfrog.com.au 69 195,364 Free/Paid

www.kmdirectory.com.au 36 3,547,469 Free/Paid

www.livepages.com.au 42 1,274,438 Free/Paid

www.ozbusiness.com.au 34 803,257 Free/Paid

www.startlocal.com.au 62 230,017 Free/Paid

getlisted.net.au 21 2,130,282 Free/Paid

www.superpages.com.au 46 644,065 Free/Paid

www.mysheriffau.com 48 781,902 Free/Paid

10times.com/australia 65 9,975 Free/Paid

www.business.directoryofaustralia.com.au 17 5,342,007 Free/Paid

www.giftware.net.au 37 4,735,227 Free/Paid

pinkpages.com.au 37 500,931 Free/Paid

whoisthegreatest.com.au 36 10,366,098 Free/Paid

www.priceline.com.au 59 48,274 Free/Paid

www.misterwhat-au.com 33 844,227 Free/Paid

www.australia-business-directory.com 17 6,232,703 Free/Paid

www.worlddirectory.com.au 23 4,108,465 Free/Paid

www.nbtrade.com.au 21 3,297,628 Free/Paid

www.bluemts.com.au/add-your-business/ 55 324,949 Free/Paid

www.comeonaussie.com 47 2,407,151 Free/Paid

www.abdo.com.au 19 3,271,080 Free/Paid

localfinder.co 20 12,609,062 Free/Paid

www.smea.org.au 30 950,456 Free/Paid

www.webfind.com.au 37 2,545,760 Free/Paid

www.australiabusinessdirectory.info 6 8,674,292 Free/Paid

www.australianmanufacturing.com.au 35 1,404,953 Free/Paid

www.localbd.com.au 49 314,531 Free/Paid

www.australianplanet.com 51 234,168 Free/Paid

www.theaustraliatimes.com/business-directory/ 42 2,104,040 Free/Paid

www.dlook.com.au 62 383,024 Free/Paid

www.adelaidesouthaustralia.net 28 4,686,503 Free/Paid

www.mybusinesscentral.com.au 41 2,979,003 Free/Paid

www.aubiz.org 48 945,222 Free/Paid

www.varietybusinessdirectory.com.au 10 16,437,623 Free/Paid

www.australiabusinesslist.online 21 2,676,950 Free/Paid

wwww.australianbizdirectory.com.au 37 12,289,536 Free/Paid

aucompanycatalog.com 13 0 Free/Paid

www.australiaonlineadvertising.com.au 45 681,300 Free/Paid

www.fyple.biz 55 447,510 Free/Paid

qldbusinessdirectory.com.au 25 3,248,343 Free/Paid

www.greenfinder.com.au 42 1,941,166 Free/Paid

www.productreview.com.au 71 14,282 Free/Paid

iti.com.au 37 7,962,253 Free/Paid

australia2business.com 25 2,430,763 Free/Paid

yourcity.com.au 36 2,326,731 Free/Paid

au.wowcity.com 50 72,915 Free/Paid

www.opendi.com.au 41 852,012 Free/Paid

www.australianbusinessdirectory.info 25 0 Free/Paid

www.gumtree.com.au 76 1,319 Free/Paid

www.local.com.au 42 1,219,141 Free/Paid

www.australiannaturalhealthcare.com 21 2,723,258 Free/Paid

websitelink.com.au 40 2,178,218 Free/Paid

www.businesslistings.net.au 53 276,497 Free/Paid

www.australia-business-listing.com.au 40 9,754,265 Free/Paid

www.atug.com.au 42 1,468,070 Free/Paid

How Do I Find The DoFollow Business Listing Sites Australia That Increase Your Business & Product Sale

Here are the List of Top 100+ Dofollow Free Australian Business Listing Sites 2020 Which Help To Boost Local SEO On Search Engine:


Top 20 Local Citation Sites For Australia

Site Name Domain Authority Site Name Domain Authority

facebook.com 100 maps.apple.com 97

bing.com 94 yelp.com.au 65

business.google.com 89 foursquare.com 92

communitywalk.com 76 truelocal.com.au 75

tupalo.com 76 brownbook.net 73

hotfrog.com.au 69 lacartes.com 69

2findlocal.com 67 au.kompass.com 65

expressbusinessdirectory.com 65 au.enrollbusiness.com 62

callupcontact.com 61 cybo.com 60

iglobal.co 57 fyple.biz 55

zipleaf.auz.net 53 tuugo.biz 50

Free business listing sites for Australia

Australia Business Listing Sites Domain Authority (DA) Alexa Rank Price www.freeadstime.org

www.visitperth.com/business-directory 56 733,647 Free

business.gov.au/Registrations/Register-your-business-name 71 6,359 Free

aussie-hours.com 15 341,297 Free/Paid

www.bayside.vic.gov.au/community-directory 55 597980 Free

truefinders.com.au 18 316,905 Free/Paid

e-australia.com.au 14 N/A Free/Paid

hipages.com.au 54 51,898 Free/Paid

fashionplaytes.com 58 501,112 Free/Paid

localstore.com.au 29 219,633 Free/Paid

iglobal.co 41 62,670 Free/Paid

au.zenbu.org 21 830,434 Free/Paid

go4it.com.au 14 477,079 Free/Paid

service.com.au 26 383,275 Free/Paid

infobel.com 59 20,085 Free/Paid

yellow.com.au 35 142,095 Free/Paid

whereis.com 52 37,758 Free/Paid

ibizprofile-au.com 17 657,125 Free/Paid

infoisinfo-au.com 21 562,803 Free/Paid

mumbrella.com.au/business-directory 64 61,202 Free/Paid

www.wampit.com.au 40 2,087,004 Free/Paid

www.oneflare.com.au 60 82,518 Free/Paid

www.purelocal.com.au 44 545,482 Free/Paid

www.eclickd.com.au 27 4485175 Free/Paid

www.businesszoom.com.au 44 1,524,586 Free/Paid

poidb.com 41 606,910 Free/Paid

www.localbusinessguide.com.au 43 528,650 Free/Paid

www.australiabizdir.com 21 2,374,878 Free/Paid

www.adelaidebd.com.au 36 943,133 Free/Paid

www.bigjumbuck.com 8 12,061,441 Free/Paid

www.australiayp.com 40 1,132,921 Free/Paid

www.findinaustralia.com 22 1,788,680 Free/Paid

localbusinesslink.com.au 22 3,848,049 Free/Paid

www.findbusinessonline.com.au 37 2,609,180 Free/Paid

ibizprofile-au.com 34 1,685,422 Free/Paid

www.yourtradie.com.au 12 3,266,996 Free/Paid

www.localcraft.com.au 19 3,908,552 Free/Paid

portlincoln.net 31 5,189,889 Free/Paid

abpd.com.au 36 2,340,843 Free/Paid

www.aus61business.com 32 1,393,647 Free/Paid

www.wordofmouth.com.au 51 154,410 Free/Paid

onlylocal.com.au 25 3,854,759 Free/Paid

www.australianbusines.com 8 7,695,203 Free/Paid

www.dizylocal.com.au 30 751,938 Free/Paid

www.nationwide.com.au 40 1,419,261 Free/Paid

www.aussieweb.com.au 51 322,763 Free/Paid

zipleaf.auz.net 53 982,086 Free/Paid

www.businesslistingnow.com 48 769,149 Free/Paid

www.bloo.com.au 41 1,171,643 Free/Paid

www.penrithaustralia.com.au 31 3,925,520 Free/Paid

clickblue.com.au 48 1,380,483 Free/Paid

www.beautyandspas.com.au 23 9,887,874 Free/Paid

www.truelocal.com.au 75 48,462 Free/Paid

www.find-us-here.com 60 227,785 Free/Paid

www.yellowbook.com.au 40 1,439,279 Free/Paid

www.goguide.com.au 34 838,904 Free/Paid

www.yalwa.com.au 43 943,798 Free/Paid

www.companiesofaustralia.com 8 0 Free/Paid

www.aubizs.com 26 1,573,985 Free/Paid

www.flyingsolo.com.au 52 279,795 Free/Paid

www.agfg.com.au 55 352,506 Free/Paid

www.nationaldirectory.com.au 45 734,766 Free/Paid

get.whitepages.com.au/listings 64 46,739 Free/Paid

nearfinderau.com 35 870,620 Free/Paid

www.tuugo.biz 50 399,243 Free/Paid

augoals.com 9 6,096,648 Free/Paid

www.ourpatch.com.au 53 424,922 Free/Paid

www.localcraft.com.au 19 3,908,552 Free/Paid

www.hotfrog.com.au 69 195,364 Free/Paid

www.kmdirectory.com.au 36 3,547,469 Free/Paid

www.livepages.com.au 42 1,274,438 Free/Paid

www.ozbusiness.com.au 34 803,257 Free/Paid

www.startlocal.com.au 62 230,017 Free/Paid

getlisted.net.au 21 2,130,282 Free/Paid

www.superpages.com.au 46 644,065 Free/Paid

www.mysheriffau.com 48 781,902 Free/Paid

10times.com/australia 65 9,975 Free/Paid

www.business.directoryofaustralia.com.au 17 5,342,007 Free/Paid

www.giftware.net.au 37 4,735,227 Free/Paid

pinkpages.com.au 37 500,931 Free/Paid

whoisthegreatest.com.au 36 10,366,098 Free/Paid

www.priceline.com.au 59 48,274 Free/Paid

www.misterwhat-au.com 33 844,227 Free/Paid

www.australia-business-directory.com 17 6,232,703 Free/Paid

www.worlddirectory.com.au 23 4,108,465 Free/Paid

www.nbtrade.com.au 21 3,297,628 Free/Paid

www.bluemts.com.au/add-your-business/ 55 324,949 Free/Paid

www.comeonaussie.com 47 2,407,151 Free/Paid

www.abdo.com.au 19 3,271,080 Free/Paid

localfinder.co 20 12,609,062 Free/Paid

www.smea.org.au 30 950,456 Free/Paid

www.webfind.com.au 37 2,545,760 Free/Paid

www.australiabusinessdirectory.info 6 8,674,292 Free/Paid

www.australianmanufacturing.com.au 35 1,404,953 Free/Paid

www.localbd.com.au 49 314,531 Free/Paid

www.australianplanet.com 51 234,168 Free/Paid

www.theaustraliatimes.com/business-directory/ 42 2,104,040 Free/Paid

www.dlook.com.au 62 383,024 Free/Paid

www.adelaidesouthaustralia.net 28 4,686,503 Free/Paid

www.mybusinesscentral.com.au 41 2,979,003 Free/Paid

www.aubiz.org 48 945,222 Free/Paid

www.varietybusinessdirectory.com.au 10 16,437,623 Free/Paid

www.australiabusinesslist.online 21 2,676,950 Free/Paid

wwww.australianbizdirectory.com.au 37 12,289,536 Free/Paid

aucompanycatalog.com 13 0 Free/Paid

www.australiaonlineadvertising.com.au 45 681,300 Free/Paid

www.fyple.biz 55 447,510 Free/Paid

qldbusinessdirectory.com.au 25 3,248,343 Free/Paid

www.greenfinder.com.au 42 1,941,166 Free/Paid

www.productreview.com.au 71 14,282 Free/Paid

iti.com.au 37 7,962,253 Free/Paid

australia2business.com 25 2,430,763 Free/Paid

yourcity.com.au 36 2,326,731 Free/Paid

au.wowcity.com 50 72,915 Free/Paid

www.opendi.com.au 41 852,012 Free/Paid

www.australianbusinessdirectory.info 25 0 Free/Paid

www.gumtree.com.au 76 1,319 Free/Paid

www.local.com.au 42 1,219,141 Free/Paid

www.australiannaturalhealthcare.com 21 2,723,258 Free/Paid

websitelink.com.au 40 2,178,218 Free/Paid

www.businesslistings.net.au 53 276,497 Free/Paid

www.australia-business-listing.com.au 40 9,754,265 Free/Paid

www.atug.com.au 42 1,468,070 Free/Paid

Australian directory submission sites list

Directory Submission Sites Australia Domain Authority (DA) Alexa Rank Pricing

www.australiadirectory.net 38 1,960,520 Free/Paid

australiandirectories.com.au 22 8,371,325 Free/Paid

www.aussieseek.com 24 8,432,735 Free/Paid

www.list-directory.info 39 1,787,483 Free/Paid

www.aussieimporters.com 37 3,692,610 Free/Paid

www.auseverything.com.au 38 3,432,296 Free/Paid

ozfind.com.au 37 6,269,457 Free/Paid

freedirectory.com.au 32 1,304,499 Free/Paid

bizdirect.com.au 36 4,125,604 Free/Paid

www.findingaustralia.com 35 9,476,902 Free/Paid

www.australia5com.com 36 4,962,266 Free/Paid

www.links.anchor.com.au 54 637,207 Free/Paid

www.bhanvad.com 50 212,792 Free/Paid

www.addeals.com.au 40 2,663,479 Free/Paid

www.advanceaustraliafair.com 36 5,304,157 Free/Paid

www.tradewithaustralia.com/exporters 36 8,889,640 Free/Paid

www.bigjumbuck.com 8 12,061,441 Free/Paid

www.guideaustralia.com 36 4,387,686 Free/Paid

www.sydneybusinessdirectory.net 37 4,599,581 Free/Paid

www.websiteguide.com.au 25 3,179,370 Free/Paid

www.web-directory-australia.info 39 2,100,902 Free/Paid

www.maternal.com.au 38 8,504,398 Free/Paid

kangaroobiz.com 20 4,557,386 Free/Paid

www.directoryaustralian.com 36 5,192,544 Free/Paid

www.possumpages.com.au 37 7,311,901 Free/Paid

www.auspage.com 36 7,285,086 Free/Paid

www.ozn.com.au 13 0 Free/Paid

industrylink.com.au 29 11,669,508 Free/Paid

www.247webdirectory.com 49 217,488 Free/Paid

www.ersatz.com.au 23 3,615,376 Free/Paid

www.katanningwa.com 22 13,566,496 Free/Paid

www.worlddirectory.com.au 23 4,108,465 Free/Paid

www.directorycritic.com 56 150,096 Free/Paid

www.australialinks.com.au 38 3,236,864 Free/Paid

www.freead.com.au 47 19,574,556 Free/Paid

directory.com.au 43 1,338,439 Free/Paid

dewalist.com.au 45 387,524 Free/Paid

www.jadoo.com.au/search 36 2,282,939 Free/Paid

topdirectory.com.au 38 4,387,695 Free/Paid

www.adventurepro.com.au 41 1,467,486 Free/Paid

adelaidebusiness.directory 27 9,261,817 Free/Paid

www.dlook.com.au 62 383,024 Free/Paid

www.directory.yourestate.com.au 43 0 Free/Paid

www.atozpages.com.au 44 1,008,260 Free/Paid

www.noosa-holiday-accommodation.com.au 18 7,252,266 Free/Paid

australia.bizdirlib.com 46 168,862 Free/Paid

www.australiatravelsearch.com.au 40 2,251,356 Free/Paid

australianstrataservicesdirectory.net 13 5,406,576 Free/Paid

www.australia-directory.com 21 14,581,632 Free/Paid

www.webnetwork.com.au 42 905,550 Free/Paid

www.ausdirectory.org 37 6,872,999 Free/Paid

www.jadoo.com.au 36 2,282,939 Free/Paid

www.australia24.com.au 37 3,334,943 Free/Paid

www.ozebiz.com.au/glinks 43 4,393,735 Free/Paid

www.perthwa.com/pages 36 5,041,438 Free/Paid

www.aussiebusiness.directory 24 6,656,359 Free/Paid

So, let's find your niche website and start submitting your business or website on the above Australian directory sites and business listing sites for Australia. All the website working fine, some website provides free listing while other provides paid / free listing both.

Benefits Of Directory Submission!!!

  1. For better search engine rankings
  2. Increase link popularity
  3. Indexing of pages and blog posts
  4. Generate more traffic to your website

To Know the Uses of Directory Submission:

Submitting your website into a high pr Free directory submission sites Australia helps you in increasing your page ranking. They help you increase your online popularity by spreading links to your website. This will then create more traffic. Given how simple and for all intents and purposes easy the procedure of directory submission is, lets jump in the trend and submit your site to free directory submission sites as soon as possible.

100 Australian Business Directory Websites To Boost Your Business Now

Looking for Australian business listing websites to get your business listed in 2021? Check out exclusive list of 100 tested free business directory sites.

 Listing your business to citation sites can be very helpful not only for lead generation but it also helps getting your brand recognized locally. So, if you are a local business who wants to focus on a specific locality, submit your website to these business listing sites and see the difference.

Domain Authority: 56

Page Authority: 64

Alexa Rank: 32,816

Listing: Free

Country: Global

Yelp was founded in the year 2004 and currently witnesses around 24 million unique visitors every month to find services and businesses.

To submit your listing, click on “Sign Up” button at the top right. Once you are done with the sign-up process, a link will be sent to your registered email address. Click on the link and complete the submission process.

Domain Authority: 56

Page Authority: 63

Alexa Rank: 82,939

Listing: Free

Country: Global

Brownbook is a global business listing website. Established in the year 2007, the website is considered as one the best listing database in the world. One can easily list down its business here. Moreover, one can also add images, videos and other business details to enhance online presence.

To submit your business, first click on “Add A Business” button provided at the extreme top right, fill the required columns and finally click on the submit button. A verification link will be sent to the registered email address. To complete your listing, verify your account. Here is a Video that will help you in submitting your business at Brownbook.

Domain Authority: 45

Page Authority: 40

Alexa Rank: 186,096

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

StartLocal is an Australian business listing website with a wide range of categories. Users can choose any category that they belong to and that too from any region.

Submitting business info at StartLocal is quite easy. Just click, “Add Your Business Free”, and register yourself. Once you register, you get a verification link on your registered email. Check your mail and click on the link to complete the submission process. After filling the form with required details, click on the “Add Your Business” button.

Domain Authority: 48

Page Authority: 56

Alexa Rank: 168,102

Listing: Free

Country: Global

Hotfrog is a big name when it comes to Australian business listing sites. It is present in 38 countries and helps over 120 million businesses to reach out their potential clients.

You can find “ Add your business” button at middle or top of the screen. When you click on it, you will find a long form asking for business details. Fill it and click on the submit button. Your listing will be live when you verify the link that is sent to your registered email. Here is a quick video to start.

Domain Authority: 44

Page Authority: 48

Alexa Rank: 307,649

Listing: Free and Paid (Contact for a quote)

Country: Global

Cylex, one of the most popular business listing sites in Australia allows a business to display everything they want to show to customers. It is a perfect place where users can find products and services they want. Its basic listing is free but for a better result, you can also go with the paid version.

Here is a quick video explaining how you can submit your business on Cylex.

Domain Authority: 44

Page Authority: 48

Alexa Rank: 307,649

Listing: Free and Paid

Country: Global

Word of Mouth is one of the most popular business listing sites in Australia. It is classified into multiple categories. One of the factors which make it different is, here the end users can also add their reviews regarding the businesses.

For submission, click on the “Register business” button at the top and fill all the business details. Your business gets an instant approval as soon as you click on the submit button. The process is described in a short video below.

Domain Authority: 35

Page Authority: 45

Alexa: 848,280

Listing: Free and Paid

Country: Australia

If you are planning to drive large online viewership and reputed traffic to your business website, PureLocal is a great choice. The Australianbusiness listing site is an effective place where users can find anything that they are looking for.

In the process of submitting business, you have to create an account first. Once you create an account, login to it and update business information and submit. Here is a video below that can help you out.

Domain Authority: 35

Page Authority: 44

Alexa Rank: 343,714

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

AustralianPlanet allows you to post a free classified ad, business, and even website or blog. Posting an ad on AustralianPlanet is very simple and free. It helps businesses to improve local business. Check out this short video to know more.

Domain Authority: 34

Page Authority: 44

Alexa Rank: 388,162

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

The Local business guide allows you to gain new customers easily. It is divided into multiple categories that make users job easy in finding a business. The website also supports press release and article submissions. Check out the video to list down your Australian business here.

Domain Authority: 30

Page Authority: 41

Alexa Rank: 368,339

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

Businesslistings helps businesses to improve leads by providing customized information to the potential customers. It is indexed by most of the search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Additionally, the submission to this business directory is free. Click on the video below to know the process.

Domain Authority: 30

Page Authority: 37

Alexa Rank: 424,152

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

It is an another free and effective Australian business listing site. There are more than hundreds of categories, that means a wide range of options for users to find a business. By simply clicking on “Add your business” button and filling business details, you can submit your business to one of the most searchable lists. The video below explains the whole submission process.

Domain Authority: 26

Page Authority: 35

Alexa Rank: 526706

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

Fyple is well classified into various categories and regions. Customers can find any business very easily over fyple. For submitting business, find the “Add your business for free” button in the middle of the screen, click on it and provide all the information related to your business. Click on submit and verify the link that is sent to your registered email.

Domain Authority: 20

Page Authority: 33

Alexa Rank: 777,288

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

Pinkpages is a business listing website which is managing over 1.6 million listings across Australia. Listing on Pinkpages is totally free.

All you need to do is to create an account and click on the “Free Listings” button at the right top. Provide the required details and get an instant approval. The video explains in a better way.

Domain Authority: 66

Page Authority: 71

Alexa Rank: 65,321

Listing: Free and Paid (850$/Year)

Country: Australia

Mumbrella is an Australian business listing website which is helping millions of customers to find their desired shops and businesses.

Follow the steps to submit your listing on Mumbrella.

Click on the more section> business directory>get your free listing>submit listing.

Domain Authority: 62

Page Authority: 69

Alexa Rank: 31,792

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

True Local is helping Australians to find and experience local businesses since 2006. Each month millions of customers are finding their desired service and business through True Local. Customers can also enjoy True Local's mobile app for more convenience. You can also add images and reviews. Check out the short video to know more.

Domain Authority: 62

Page Authority: 69

Alexa Rank: 31,792

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

Sensis helps your business to grow locally. It provides online advice, an option of live chat if faced any problem, and even arranges workshops on online marketing strategies. Submitting on Sensis not only helps you in improving local presence but also in knowing latest marketing trends. The short video below explains how you can submit your business for free.

Domain Authority: 51

Page Authority: 59

Alexa Rank: 237,100

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

dLook is a free Australian business submitting site. There is a wide range of classification and categories on dLook. You can submit your business by clicking on “Add your business” on dLook for free button and then fill the detail form. Over 1.7 million businesses are online on dLook.

Watch the video to know the submission process.

Domain Authority: 45

Page Authority: 54

Alexa Rank: 1,072,064

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

ZipLocal is an online business submission site aiming to drive potential customers. It is a free listing site and it also provides a free consultation. Thousands of customers are using ZipLocal every day to find businesses nearby.

Domain Authority: 45

Page Authority: 33

Alexa Rank: 2,29,543

Listing: Free

Country: Global

Myhuckleberry is a great place to find a business globally. It has its own search algorithm that makes it different from other business listing sites.

To submit your local business, go to “start your free listing” section and register your business with a professional email address. Search for your business in the search section to find out if you are already listed on it. If it is not found, create your listing by clicking “create a new listing” button. Get into the short video to know more.

Domain Authority: 43

Page Authority: 51

Alexa Rank: 709,595

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

My sunshine coast is a free Australian local listing site where you can find a great classification of categories. Go to “Businesses” at the left middle corner of the screen and then click on the “update your listing” button to submit your business. The short video below help you out in submission.

Domain Authority: 40

Page Authority: 45

Alexa Rank: 183,572

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

It makes listing and finding business easy and accurate. Aussie web is a great free Australian business listing directory that connects you directly with the thousands of customers and helps in generating more leads. The submission process is very quick and easy. Your listing will be live after clicking on the verification link sent to your registered email.

Domain Authority: 36

Page Authority: 44

Alexa Rank: 1,370,145

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

Submitting your Australian business to AUBiz is a great way to drive local awareness and new prospects. The submission process is free and real quick. To know how to submit your business in AUBiz, check out this short video below.

Domain Authority: 31

Page Authority: 42

Alexa Rank: 578,930

Listing: Free and paid (starts at $350/year)

Country: Australia

SuperPages is one of the famous online business listing sites. For submission, click on the “Free Advertising” button provided at the bottom. Add your business contact number and then click on “find my business” button. A form will appear on the screen, complete it and enter submit button. After verification the link that is sent to registered email address, your listing is live for customers. Here is a short video.

Domain Authority: 29

Page Authority: 40

Alexa Rank: 883,335

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

Australian Guide is a business directory where along with business you can also submit pages and blogs. You can find “submit” button at the top right corner. Click on it and provide all the needed information. Check out the video to understand the submission process.

Domain Authority: 23

Page Authority: 36

Alexa Rank: 1,891,323

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

From over 21 years, BlueysPages is helping customers to find businesses. The listing is classified into several categories and it is hundred percent free.

Go to the “List Business” section on the top of the screen. Complete the details and submit. Your listing will be live within 2 working days. Check out the video here.

Domain Authority: 23

Page Authority: 27

Alexa Rank: 1,343,113

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

POIDB stands for Point of Interest Database. It has more than 300 categories. In this, the business information is stored in groups. It aims to be the largest poidb for Australia. The short video below will help you to submit your business in POIDB.

Domain Authority: 20

Page Authority: 25

Alexa Rank: 1,179,244

Listing: Free

Country: Global

Opendi is a free business listing site. It helps businesses to reach out more than 3 million visitors every month and increases your web presence locally.

Click “create a new listing” button at the top corner. Provide the required information and verify the account by clicking on the verification link. Here is a short video.

Domain Authority: 75

Page Authority: 79

Alexa Rank: 43,258

Listing: Free

Country: Australia

To submit on White pages, go to the “Advertise with us” section. After clicking on the button, a form will pop-up where you need to fulfill all the required information. At last click on “Claim my ad” button to complete the submission process.

Domain Authority: 50

Page Authority: 45

Alexa Rank: 81,709

Listing: Free

Country: Australia, UK, US and Canada

One of the most popular australian business directory site, Showmelocal provides local businesses to promote themselves. Meanwhile, the site also provide customers to find the desired services in their area while finding amazing deals as well.

This was the list of website that I tested out. During the submission process, I also came across the local business listing websites that were not relevant to my business which is why are not practically implemented by me , but might help you out.

Below is the list of those Australian business directory sites in the format - Website (DA, PA, Alexa, Category) Happycow (63, 73, 48,960, restaurants and stores) Priceline (60, 67, 40,139, hotels) Oneflare (57, 65, 83,879, plumber, electricians, painters etc.) agfg (44, 53, 276,570, bar, wineries, travel etc.) Yalwa (38, 48,907, 198, Fashion, property tec.) Pinbud (38, 35, 204, 759, B2C) Opentable (38, 48, 269,806, B2C -Hotels and Food) Wow city (37, 36, 64,918, B2C -Hotels and tours) Local (34,43, 940,966, B2C -plumbing, AC repairing) Australian guide (30,41, 904,504, B2C-Fashion, hospitals) atug (29, 41,1,645,155, B2C -Bars, real estates, construction) Live pages (28, 33, 1,078,01, B2C -Beauty salons, household services etc.) Ozbusiness (25, 37, 796,299, B2C -House cleaning, blacksmiths) Green finder (28, 40, 1,573,871, B2B-Eco products) Nationwide (32, 42, 12,29,587, B2B -Tourism, education) Webnetwork (28, 38, 737,109, B2C) Website link (39, 37, 879,805, B2C -Floor construction, sports goods etc.) Ourpatch (32, 37, 634,064, B2C) Indeedto (19, 32 , 1,935,709, B2C)

Mysherrifau (24, 34 , 974,287, Both B2B and B2C) Business listing now

(26, 22, 877,624, B2C -Events related) Angloinfo (52, 35 , 24,394, B2C -Marketing, office supplies) Product overview (48, 57, 15,068, B2C -Pet products, kitchenware etc.) National directory (34, 34, 887,934, B2C -fitness, advertising etc.) Clickblue (29, 33, 895,635, B2C -Real estate, household services) Comeonaussie (38, 45, 662,883, B2C -Computer, health etc) Businesszoom (36 , 38, 1,234,600, B2C -Food, automotive etc.) Directory (39, 47, 1,043,819, B2C -Cafe, arts) Free Franchisebusiness (41, 36, 366,955, B2C -Pet care, finance) Atozpages (34 , 44, 952,821, B2C -restaurant, shopping etc.) Adelaide (31, 33, 1,499,222, B2C -computer support, paint service etc.) Locality list (39, 35, 2,227,402, B2C-Office services) Mactumbo (25, 32, 5,012,844, B2C) My business central (33, 35, 2,982,926, B2C -Home services) Kangaroobiz (12, 15, 3,229,078, B2C) Free directory (19, 32, 1,588,392, B2C -Auto repair, electrical services etc.) Australian manufacturing (29, 29, 1,840,900, B2C) Gohospitality (26, 31, 1,630,235, B2C -Bakery, housekeeping etc.) Searchmysubhurb (18, 25, 3,641,641, B2) Ilandscape (27, 38, 3,390,453, B2) Find business online (42, 35, 3,900,387, B2C -Beauty, accommodation etc.) Bizdirect (16, 17, 3,204,945, B2C) Findinaustralia (25, 38, 3,704,487 , B2C -Schools, jewellers etc.) Abpd (18 , 30, 3,177,585 B2C) webfind (26, 37, 5,335,311, B2C) Yourcity (24 , 33, 3,076,042, B2C -shops) Northlakes (22 , 32, 2,371,622, B2C -tours & travels) visitlistmore (38 , 48, 3,121,185, B2C -Gift shops) Hawkesburry (31, 39, 2,785,139, B2C-hotels, bars etc) Canberralist (21, 24, 9,526,799, B2C -home services) Architecture and design (56, 64, 163,911, B2C -home construction) Ferret (42, 52, 339,653, B2C- chemicals, automation etc.) Arabicpages (17, 25, 831,696, B2C- events) Adelaidsouthaustralia (33, 32, 5,858,506, B2C) Yellowpages (81, 57, 15,232, B2C and B2B) Oneflare (39, 38, 5,451,774 , B2C) Webwobet (57, 64, 384,417, B2C) Tupalo (36, 46, 44,1074, B2C -Cafe, pets etc.) Yellowbook (30, 40, 1,243,022 , B2C) 2findlocal (56, 39, 116,071, B2B and B2C) Tuugo (31, 31, 579,231, B2C -Hotels, education etc.) Addeals (15, 23, 11,505,633, B2C -Security, furniture etc.) Go ahead guys! Submit your business to these Australian local business listing website and drive awareness, local reach and new customers :) Let me know in the comment box below if you have any query.

What Is Directory Submission?

Directory Submission is the part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) activity and helps in gaining more popularity, ranking higher in search results. Submitting a website to high pr directory submission sites improves the ranking of a website and gets more traffic.

While submitting a URL in any directory, you should check at least the Alexa rank of that direction submission site. the Alexa rank should be at least below 1 million and you should not submit your website URL in any spammy site.


Benefits Of Submitting Your Site To Directory Submission Sites:

1. Submitting your site to a web directory will make your site popular.

2. Your website will get high-quality backlinks.

3. Increases your domain authority.

4. Improve your ranking in search results.

5. Increases your website traffic.

Types Of Directory Submission

There are mainly 3 types of directory submission to choose from.

Free Directory Submission Sites:

Everyone loves free. Most of the top directory submission sites offer free submission of your website link. But with free submission plan, it takes time & there isn't any guarantee that your link will be approved or not.

Paid Directory Submission Sites:

The paid directory submission sites provide you a backlink within 24 hours & for that, you have to pay some amount of money.

Reciprocal Directory Submission Sites:

In Reciprocal directory submission, you have to add a link on your site & after that, your links will be approved by directory's administrator. But I will suggest not to try reciprocal directory submission.

So, Here Is The List Of Top Free Directory Submission Sites With High PR 2021.

Directory Submission Sites DA PA

www.somuch.com 54 44

marketinginternetdirectory.com 52 43

thalesdirectory.com 51 58

http://www.prolinkdirectory.com/ 45 54

http://www.bedwan.com 42 52

hotvsnot.com 39 58

prolinkdirectory.com 33 53

submissionwebdirectory.com 36 53

gainweb.org 30 46

highrankdirectory.com 31 49

traveltourismdirectory.info 30 48

britainbusinessdirectory.com 31 51

http://picktu.com/ 44 51

http://etaaps.org 42 49

http://www.cirdra.com/ 21 31

http://master.org.in/ 28 40

http://iceved.com/ 29 40

http://www.free-weblink.com/ 38 47

http://nodahan.com/ 21 34

http://viroclime.org/ 30 30

http://addyourlink.net/ 24 33

http://www.exclusiveweblinks.com 27 39

http://www.blogroll.net 25 36

http://www.seodirectoryonline.org 38 48

directoryfire.com 27 51

http://gosearchdirectory.com 26 27

http://www.all-products-services.com 29 40

http://edulogasp.com 24 36

http://www.canopusdirectory.com 28 40

http://www.directorystaff.com 31 42

http://www.dracodirectory.com 33 44

http://www.taurusdirectory.com 28 39

http://www.sites-plus.com 35 44

http://www.fivestarsautopawn.com 34 45

http://www.excitedirectory.com 34 45

http://www.adlek.com 19 32

freeprwebdirectory.com 27 53

http://www.towebmaster.net 33 45

http://www.livepopular.com 41 50

http://www.dmoz.org.in 29 41

http://www.weboworld.com 37 47

http://wvchoops.com 35 38

https://www.onemilliondirectory.com 33 44

http://www.canadawebdir.com 47 56

http://linkindex.biz 1 1

http://tandiversity.com 24 36

http://www.freetoprankdirectory.com 37 45

http://firstppt.com 30 40

http://www.usawebsitesdirectory.com 46 53

http://www.a1webdirectory.org 48 57

http://www.balti.biz 1 1

http://www.submission4u.com 42 52

http://www.adgaz.biz 1 1

http://www.fileindex.net 30 41

http://www.1m1.biz 1 1

http://trafficsimulator.net 30 40

http://picktu.com 44 51

http://www.tagshub.com 29 38

http://www.acewebdirectory.com 34 45

http://www.linkdir4u.com 39 49

http://www.orcca.org 27 38

http://www.ourss.org 31 40

http://www.adgaz.biz 1 1

http://wldirectory.com 41 51

http://www.tandiversity.com 24 34

http://www.happal.com 41 51

http://www.freelinkdir.com 30 42

http://www.nta-tu.com 33 44

http://www.royallinkup.com 35 46

http://www.seanwise.com 36 47

http://www.usawebsitesdirectory.com 46 53

http://www.webglance.com 19 31

http://www.webgain.org 24 36

http://www.onlinesociety.org 38 46

http://zelsec.com 29 41

http://www.ranaf.com 39 49

http://www.seanwise.com 36 47

http://www.xtians.com 31 42

http://www.viyeu.asia 29 38

http://www.web-directory-site.com 25 37

http://www.highrankdirectory.com/ 52 59

http://flexigest.com 25 34

http://www.fileindex.net 30 41

http://www.aaf14.org 38 47

http://www.1abc.org 53 61

http://www.paradaise.net 21 33

http://www.alistsites.com 41 51

http://www.olarex.eu 33 43

http://www.vip7star.com 34 44

http://www.submissionwebdirectory.com 54 58

http://www.marketingwebdirectory.com 30 42

http://www.info-listings.com 43 53

http://www.ukinternetdirectory.net 49 57

http://www.happal.com 41 51

http://mhdw.org 29 37

http://www.submission4u.com 42 52

http://www.web-search-directory.com 19 31

http://www.bestdirectory4you.com 39 48

http://www.link1directory.com 35 46

http://www.tfwd.org 30 41

http://www.traveltourismdirectory.info 49 58

http://www.abacusseo.com 36 47

http://www.usalistingdirectory.com 55 58

http://www.abstractdirectory.com/ 32 43

http://www.rocktheadored.com 40 50

http://www.directoryfever.com 32 43

http://www.ananar.com 34 45

http://www.limedir.com 26 38

http://www.mydannyseo.com 30 42

http://www.britainbusinessdirectory.com 51 58

http://www.gainweb.org 41 58

http://www.highrankdirectory.com 52 59

http://pmin.org 30 42

http://mhdw.org 29 37

http://wvchoops.com 35 38

http://handtucher.net 40 38

http://hbnu.org 25 36

http://conyerspayless.com 28 40

http://sjlqc.com 35 41

http://master.org.in 28 40

http://viroclime.org 30 30

http://wewebware.com 34 44

http://hdvconnect.com 36 46

http://add-oncon.com 31 42

http://link-minded.com 37 45

http://www.abovealldirectory.com 29 40

http://www.sound-directory.com 26 38

http://www.alabamaindex.com 35 45

http://www.ecctrade.com 27 39

http://www.ewebresource.com 33 44

http://www.sitetweets.net 29 39

http://web-directory-sites.org 37 39

http://www.list-listings.org 23 36

http://www.1m1.biz 1 1

http://www.latesttopdirectory.org 28 40

http://www.internetdirectory1.org 29 32

http://thinkfla.com 32 43

http://bestseodirectory.net 33 38

http://zexro.info 1 1

http://www.linkdirectorylistings.org 31 42

http://cesdirectory.com 34 42

http://productselectoren.com 20 33

http://shveaa.com 21 34

http://worldweb-directory.com 29 40

http://www.10directory.com 36 45

http://www.abstractdirectory.com 32 43

www.free-weblink.com 38 47

www.homedirectory.biz 1 1

http://www.craigslistdirectory.net/ 38 48

http://www.ecodir.net 42 51

http://www.lemon-directory.com/ 41 51

http://www.bedirectory.com 38 48

http://www.one-sublime-directory.com 39 49

http://www.ask-directory.com 38 48

http://www.bestbuydir.com 38 47

http://www.mediafiredirectlink.com 39 48

http://www.beegdirectory.com/ 39 49

www.directorydirect.net 37 48

www.populardirectory.org 37 47

www.populardirectory.biz 1 1

www.fire-directory.com 42 51

www.alivelinks.org 38 48

www.asklink.org 40 50

www.prolink-directory.com 35 45

www.angelsdirectory.com 37 47

www.relevantdirectories.com 41 51

www.idahoindex.com 35 46

www.somuch.com 54 44

www.idahoindex.com 35 46

sonicrun.com 41 42

www.247webdirectory.com 39 40

www.dizila.com 32 38

mugro.info 43 52

submissionwebdirectory.com 32 38

busybits.com 28 40

momsdirectory.net 34 37

generalshoppingdirectory.com 29 40

www.elitesitesdirectory.com 35 40

cipinet.com 45 43

www.highrankdirectory.com 52 59

www.sitepromotiondirectory.com 56 63

www.promotebusinessdirectory.com 51 59

directoryseo.biz 38 42

anoj.org 33 42

bizzdirectory.cobocaiw.net 1 1

bestbusinesswebdirectory.com 29 36

thalesdirectory.com 51 58

jewana.com 39 41

acewebdirectory.com 34 47

pr8directory.com 33 42

towebmaster.net 33 40

directory.worldsnap.com 33 37

linkdir4u.com 39 42

addfreewebdirectory.com 34 37

hawkdirectory.com 27 36

seodirectoryonline.org 38 42

allstatesusadirectory.com 39 45

wldirectory.com 41 51

linkpedia.net 44 44

balti.biz 1 1

web-search-directory.com 19 30

fileindex.net 30 39

mugro.info 1 1

domico.info 1 1

sitetweets.net 29 39

generaldirectorylistings.org 31 45

10stardirectory.com 30 39

abovealldirectory.com 29 39

usalistingdirectory.com 56 46

marketinginternetdirectory.com 52 43

siteswebdirectory.com 45 40

adverttree.com 20 29

linkvertex.com 23 33

theseoking.com 44 46

http://qiaas.com/ 24 36

http://www.highrankdirectory.com/ 52 59

https://viesearch.com/ 58 66

http://www.gmawebdirectory.com/ 50 58

http://www.usalistingdirectory.com/ 55 58

http://www.britainbusinessdirectory.com/ 51 58

http://www.traveltourismdirectory.net/ 50 58

http://www.ukinternetdirectory.net/ 49 57

http://vietsites.net/ 34 43


Top 5 Things To Consider While Doing Directory Submission

When submitting your site to directories, you need to follow a number of the guideline . Here are some tips and recommendations that you can follow while doing directory submission.

If the directory itself is not indexed, there is no point in getting listed in it. So, make sure that the directories are indexed and cached by major search engines like Google, Bing etc.

Target various terms like your brand name, main keywords, exact match domain name, related keywords, synonyms of main keywords, long-tail keywords etc in the titles and descriptions.

Manually submit to each directory or use the services of a manual directory submission service provider. Never use automated submission tools which makes 1000 submissions in one minute.

Don't depend entirely on directory submissions. Use other link building tactics like guest blogging, infographics, social bookmarking etc. along with directory submission.

Submit to various types of directories like general, niche, regional, country-specific, industry-specific, premium directories etc.

Do's and Don'ts of Directory Submission Sites

Make sure you follow these while submitting your site to directories:

Do's of Directory Submission Sites:

Here are few do's of free directory submission sites. So you can follow them while submitting your site or blog to these free directory submission sites in india.

Check whether the directory is indexed by the topmost search engines or not. If it has not been cached by search engines, then there is no point in submitting your links on it.

Submit to popular directories as it brings traffic and also the kind of backlinks that will actually enhance your site's optimization process.

Make sure that the directory in question offers a unique category structure that helps in better organization of info when you submit your site into categories. This will help you in locating relevant information in quick time.

Check the outbound links on the category link pages. So that it will give you a good insight into how helpful such a submission would be for your site.

Make sure you check the domain authority of the web directory

To ensure your site is not already listed, perform a quick search in the directory. This saves you time.

Before the submission process itself, read and follow the guidelines of the directory.

The web directory has an enormous array of subjects to choose from. Identify the single best category for your site. Submit a site to the single most relevant category. If you submit to inappropriate or unrelated categories, then your site will be rejected or removed.

While building links always keep in mind of quality. Instead of numerous non-quality links, a single quality link is better. Submitting the sites in quality directories can improve the site's ranking.

Include the keywords you are trying to target in your anchor text, but do not make them spammy. Do not use the same description and anchor text for every link. Try to change it around a bit and target different keywords.

Always use an appropriate title and description. The title should be your targeted keyword which appears in the anchor text. Create a description with all the main keywords of that page. But make sure you don't stuff keywords in the description.

Links from high PR directories carry more weight. So, try to get quality links from high PR directories.

Never rely on automated tools and softwares. Always prefer manual submission. If you want to submit websites to directories on a regular basis then you can use Roboform which is an autofill password keeper that's encrypted. It is an all-around serious tool.

Avoid paying for links and always aim for one-way links through directory submission.

Check your approval status on a regular basis and keep track of your submissions. There are a lot of free directory submission sites that instantly approve your site submission and there are also sites or agencies that take money to submit your sites on few top sites.

Document your work for future reference. This is important because you need to know whether your SEO strategies are working well in your favour or not.

Don'ts of directory submission sites:

Avoid the following things at all costs while submitting your sites to the above mentioned free directory submission sites.

A directory which uses the ‘rel=no follow' attribute for your link is absolutely no help in your optimization campaign. Search engines will actually never follow that link to your site. Even redirects are usually not considered for backlinks by search engines.

Beware of link farms, bad neighborhoods and free-for-all (FFA) link sites as it harms your site.

If any directory is approving site without reviewing it manually then don't submit to those directories as it uses some automated scripts to do the same.

Mirror sites contain identical content, but have altogether different URLs. So, do not submit mirror sites.

Do not submit URLs that contain similar content as other sites you have listed in the directory.

Some directories don't accept sites you submitted once in the same month. Few sites may accept this but most of the directories displays an error message, “Domain already exists in the directory”. If you are not listed, rethink your submission, drill down to a deeper, more relevant category and resubmit.

If the sites has overlapping and repetitive content, then they are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the related sites may result in the exclusion or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.

Never disguise your submission and submit the same URL more than once. For example, sending https://www.domain.org and https://www.domain.org/index.html is not a good practice.

If any site with an address redirects to another address, then don't submit that.

If site contain incomplete and “under construction” notice or contain broken graphics or links then don't submit such sites to a directory. Wait until a site is complete before submitting it.

Here are FAQs you may have concerning directory submission sites in 2021 and beyond as they will provide you an understanding of them.

1. Does directory submission still operate in 2021?

Yes, directory submission is one of the best off-page SEO techniques where it is easy to get links without paying or waiting too long (like guest posting to get hyperlinks ). It is the best way to draw backlinks that are terrific and increase traffic on your website in 2021 and beyond.

2. What's business directory submission?

Company directory submission is only including your site's address or URL in company directories like Google, YP, Yelp, etc.. It can help you boost your business performance. Below are some of the methods.

If you are running a small company or an eCommerce shop, we advise you to submit your website as they can give you a boost in your search positions along with exposure.

3. Does directory submission get your site rank higher?

Speaking, blog directories might assist you, but surely if you would like to get first page rankings on Google for the majority of the 38, they're not going to be helpful.

We advise you to use all sorts of link building tactics like infographics, etc., skyscraper technique outreach, guest posting, and NOT to rely on just one search engine optimization technique like website directory submission.

4. Do directory submission step-by-step?

Here are three easy steps to perform directory submission readily.

Step 1: Pick any of the free directory submission sites from the above list mentioned on this page. You can choose the blog directories based on your choices such as

No of blogs associated (site age)

Alexa rank of the site

Domain authority (DA) of the site etc

Step 2: Pick a relevant category for your entry. You're in if at all possible, try to select categories by choosing.

Step 3: After you discovered the suitable subcategory on the submission website, you will find buttons such as"submit site," "click on submit your website," etc. to submit your website at no cost.

5. Is there any free directory submission online?

Yes, there aren't many tools and also platforms that permit you to make automated directory submission online, but we do recommend using them. The sole reason is frequently these automated directories are full of few countless blog directory websites (most of these include spam websites also ), and they automatically post your website URLs across these websites.

So in case, you would like to remain protected from any Google penalties, it's always preferable to prevent directories that are automatic and do entry that you may select in the list.

6. Does replicate articles in company directory websites impact SEO's descriptions?

This is among the main questions. The majority of the blog directories such as business directory websites fetch your details (like name, meta description) automatically once you insert your site URLs.

But here's the thing: most of the directory sites do not provide you do-follow links, so no hyperlink value is passed by them or create influence on your website rankings, which means you're ready to go. Having said that, wherever 16, it's also a good idea that you use content descriptions.

While most SEO experts do not believe in free directory submission, but I'd say it is a beautiful addition to sites that are recently launched to get some SEO or exposure advantage.

What are your ideas? Did you find this article useful? Leave your ideas.

Top Directory Submission Sites List 2021

Sr. No. Website List Alexa Rank

1 Somuch.com 167469

2 Websquash.com 180262

3 Usalistingdirectory.com 180648

4 Marketinginternetdirectory.com 186147

5 Highrankdirectory.com 195066

6 Sitepromotiondirectory.com 200407

7 Submissionwebdirectory.com 205525

8 Infotiger.com 209367

9 Dizila.com 219036

10 Gainweb.org 236019

11 Siteswebdirectory.com 240322

12 Hotvsnot.com 248650

13 Wldirectory.com 258748

14 9sites.net 262041

15 1abc.org 274526

16 1websdirectory.com 281968

17 Britainbusinessdirectory.com 288014

18 Freeprwebdirectory.com 292751

19 Pegasusdirectory.com 300370

20 Ananar.com 302773

21 Bedwan.com 304597

22 Happal.com 316658

23 Usgeo.org 319900

24 Momsdirectory.net 331513

25 Ukinternetdirectory.net 337815

26 Addbusiness.net 346422

27 W3catalog.com 358767

28 Acewebdirectory.com 371283

29 thewebdirectory.org 372784

30 Info-listings.com 396340

31 Mastermoz.com 407607

32 Livepopular.com 409737

33 Cipinet.com 417359

34 Alistdirectory.com 427791

35 Enforum.net 433004

36 Generalshoppingdirectory.com 440948

37 Linkpedia.net 441409

38 Freetoprankdirectory.com 445072

39 Thalesdirectory.com 445184

40 Idahoindex.com 455907

41 Seodirectoryonline.org 459638

42 Jewana.com 460737

43 Canadawebdir.com 462897

44 Freedirectorysubmit.com 480178

45 Linkroo.com 484933

46 Linkroo.com 484933

47 Shistlbb.com 503594

48 Bestseodirectory.net 513752

49 10directory.com 515516

50 Obln.org 516258

51 Synergy-directory.com 518071

52 Allstatesusadirectory.com 537660

53 Bobresources.com 539019

54 caida.eu 539709

55 Mugro.info 544966

56 Linkdir4u.com 550049

57 Zebralinks.com 553019

58 Mydannyseo.com 578339

59 Busybits.com 580988

60 Canopusdirectory.com 583375

61 Link-minded.com 592791

62 Nonar.com 593245

63 Ellysdirectory.com 605347

64 Abovealldirectory.com 607232

65 Fivestarscenter.com 609539

66 Dondir.com 619606

67 Triplewdirectory.com 621246

68 Abacusseo.com 637013

69 Addlinkzfree.com 638591

70 Alabamaindex.com 645334

71 Directorywebbsites.com 659782

72 Directorystaff.com 662117

73 Amray.com 665556

74 1m1.biz 679236

75 Tsection.com 683368

76 Fileindex.net 683967

77 Ecctrade.com 686099

78 Generaldirectorylistings.org 691582

79 Towebmaster.net 711240

80 Lemon-directory.com 715098

81 Hoo.blahoo.net 723269

82 Tagshub.com 731509

83 Seoseek.net 734970

84 Textlinkdirectory.com 738612

85 Seanwise.com 748384

86 01webdirectory.com 750469

87 Callyourcountry.com 758989

88 Callyourcountry.com 758989

89 Morefunz.com 768027

90 Zexro.info 771981

91 Reddit-directory.com 785015

92 Balti.biz 788810

93 Dir-submitter.info 795961

94 Pr8directory.com 798600

95 Weddo.info 808492

96 Linkdirectorylistings.org 809505

97 Yellowlinker.com 821167

98 Advancedseodirectory.com 848351

99 Dn2i.com 861705

100 Bocaiw.net 867796

101 Dir.org.vn 908649

102 Link1directory.com 910312

103 Xtians.com 916873

104 Redlinker.com 921859

105 Directoryfever.com 932784

106 Directory-listingsnow.org 940499

107 Hawkdirectory.com 950335

108 Directory.edu.vn 963148

109 Anoj.org 963515

110 Businessfreedirectory.com 971659

111 Pakadtrader.com 975976

112 The-web-directory.co.uk 981274

113 Sergiuungureanu.com 982404

114 Alligatordirectory.com 986019

115 Bestbusinesswebdirectory.com 997976

116 Web-directory-site.com 1003926

117 Athenelinks.com 1004725

118 Topsiteswebdirectory.com 1023954

119 Linkshere.com.ar 1051680

120 Bizzdirectory.com 1072629

121 Baikalglobal.com 1076517

122 Domico.info 1096831

123 Thecgisite.com 1103433

124 Seodeeplinks.net 1103605

125 Magpiedirectory.com 1111626

126 Pantherdirectory.com 1129653

127 Pantherdirectory.com 1129653

128 Diamondoa.org 1138432

129 Zopso.com 1146183

130 Addurltolinkdirectory.com 1168134

131 Pinklinker.com 1175739

132 Thetusker.biz 1176727

133 Pelicandirectory.com 1208653

134 10stardirectory.com 1213524

135 Abstractdirectory.com 1222331

136 Seorange.com 1223720

137 Mygreencorner.com 1234421

138 Cafeatlantico.info 1245926

139 Mccregion6.net 1252739

140 Web-search-directory.com 1303060

141 Tele-script.com 1338379

142 Brownlinker.com 1357611

143 Ilovelanguages.com 1405116

144 Sitetweets.net 1416110

145 Nctweb.com 1496013

146 Dirhello.com 1505215

147 Linkslive.info 1505612

148 D1mm.net 1515125

149 Field-by.com 1548211

150 Alwayslinks.com 1564105

151 Thegreatdirectory.org 1589175

152 Submitlink.com.ar 1654928

153 Cafelaunch.com 1673570

154 Addsite.info 1715525

155 Priordirectory.com 1737985

156 Heydirectory.com 1840532

157 Rapidenetwork.eu 1841590

158 Correctedbyreality.com 1870296

159 Armenianlinks.com 2000058

160 Orangelinker.com 2052008

161 Hotnews.org 2073807

162 Linkresell.com 2174478

163 Freewebsitedirectories.com 2179296

164 A1directorysearch.com 2246482

165 Seokeeper.com 2279992

166 Addlinkin.com 2304845

167 Directory.worldsnap.com 2359105

168 Thomsondirectory.com 2359655

169 Tkseo.net 2360077

170 Websiteslist.org 2398965

171 Wondex.com 2492104

172 Azlisted.com 2495031

173 Wldir.com 2521035

174 Fer-bl.org 2534057

175 Jaguardirectory.com 2573441

176 Abdil.net 2628808

177 Jotwell.us 2655444

178 Seofriendly.com.ar 2662689

179 Top1directory.com 2821427

180 Emsbrokers.com 2858296

181 Aresdirectoryresource.com 2889668

182 Directory.askbee.net 2891758

183 Directory.addlinksuggest.com 2904952

184 Addyourlinksfree.com 2986902

185 Seo.wgsmedia.net 3258831

186 Ittel.li 3461410

187 Dovetaildirectory.com 3488054

188 Sitesubmitstore.com 3539189

189 Submiturlwebsitestore.com 3567935

190 Aitpnetwork.org 3573555

191 Hitalyzer.com 3583708

192 Linkdevils.com 3700072

193 Deeplinker.net 3749771

194 Omabe.com 3750808

195 Tctco.com 3889321

196 Addurlorlink.com 4131760

197 Subscr.com 4212621

198 Webzveno.com 4222207

199 Jameslongstreet.org 4391935

200 Directory100.info 4392525

201 English-directory.com 4553529

202 Getindirectory.com 4654821

203 Agoradirectory.com 4671940

204 Ukings.info 4832545

205 Gobyus.eu 4839665

206 Ogdenscore.com 4881809

207 Obper.com 5052519

208 Cdhnow.com 5096304

209 Seoabcs.com 5547241

210 Sitechakra.com 5562017

211 Crocodiledirectory.com 5659940

212 Ajooja.com 5751310

213 Yyool.com 5839083

214 Thats.info 6034998

215 Rrurl.info 6073938

216 Seoconfused.com 6111561

217 Liondirectory.com 6115938

218 Cobradirectory.com 6367267

219 Piratedirectory.co.uk 6408017

220 Giraffedirectory.com 6538304

221 Addurls.org 6751419

222 Squirreldirectory.com 6929479

223 Submitlinkhere.net 7023680

224 Seogenielinks.com 7159413

225 Demowebs.info 7438736

226 Lorinbrownonline.com 7450934

227 Wildcatdirectory.com 7795557

228 Koaladirectory.com 7800269

229 Linkwheeltool.com 8027428

230 Bookyourweb.com 8339973

231 Nareponline.com 8357038

232 Onamission.com 8426602

233 Vip-pro.com 8504525

234 Linkteve.com 8634739

235 Dutydoctors.com 8692574

236 Viseox.net 8892800

237 Huge-directory.com 8905168

238 Bangkokprep.com 8917287

239 Directory.wgshost.com 8954180

240 Firefoxdirectory.com 9117835

241 Pumadirectory.com 9455963

242 Add2us.com 9661390

243 Ravendirectory.com 9717439

244 Eatrightkc.com 10296908

245 Analogrhythm.com 10528174

246 Directorytube.net 10806600

247 Thepeterpanclub.com 11102554

248 Linksstrategy.com 11227920

249 Submitsiteto.com 11827040

250 Seo5t.net 12017306

251 Neworison.com 12061931

252 Freesitedirectory.net 12140022

253 Kennelclubindia.com 12179831

254 Maletier.com 12179834

255 Entireweblist.com 12248074

256 Gx-seo.net 13363648

257 Seodir.org 13786408

258 Siliconvalleynotary.com 14075888

259 4causes.net 16197325

260 Theprodirectory.com 16384734

261 Thisiskinect.com 18280864

262 Podun.com 19442688

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Let me know if any new website available to submit the URL by commenting in the comment section.

How to Submit Website into Directory Submission Sites

Step 1: Open Directory Websites from my list (below) Step 2: Click on the Submit Link Step 3: Enter all details like Name, Email id, Website Title (nothing but Anchor Text), Description, Website URL and Website Category.

Step 4: Select the type of listing from the below options and click on Submit

Best Directory Submission Sites List 2021

The following also the additional Directory Submission Sites List in India USA UK Canada and Australia.

Directory Submission Sites 2021








































allthewebsites.org Directory Submission Sites for USA Directory Submission Sites in Australia Free Directory Submission Sites List 2021

Australian Directories

Australian Business Directory List Finding the best Australian directory submission sites list in 2020 begins with sound research. Luckily, you don't have to go and search out all the resources for yourself. Here, we have compiled Australian Business Listing sites free so you can save a lot of time and just get to work and submit your url.

Business Listing Sites Australia In 2020, business listing sites Australia wide will have thousands of the most competitive and easily found websites available. And it really helps to know the best Australian directories list . So, we are really grateful that the following bloggers and writers have put together their own versions of the most powerful Australian Directories List.

Australian Directory Submission Sites Yes, it's true we are sharing access to some of our competitors, but we understand that knowledge and awareness of what is available out there actually benefits you the consumer. you are able to make an informed choice and choose the best Australian local business directory The Super List of Lists! Over 500 sites!

We agree that the Directories of Australia pty ltd are indeed the most popular and widely sought after terms. That's why free business listing sites Australia 2020 will be another popular search engine query.

Hope you enjoy! If you go to each of these lists, you will find dozens and dozens of suggested sites - in total over 500 sites in all for you to join and help boost your organic search results! Good Luck!

https://www.bloomtools.com/blog/top-23-australian-directories-to-help-your-seo http://www.seowritingtips.com/australian-directory-submission-sites/ https://www.malleeblue.com/top-10-free-australian-business-directories-online/ http://australianews4u.blogspot.com/2012/10/list-of-free-100-best-australian.html https://thomaswebdesigns.com.au/business-directory-websites-in-australia/ https://www.backlinkhubs.com/blog/50-free-australian-directory-submission-sites-list-2019/ http://techworldclass.com/australian-directory-submission-sites/ https://www.livelongdigital.com.au/20-australian-business-directories-for-local-seo/ https://www.onqmarketing.com.au/australian-business-directories-citations-links/ https://www.seocopilot.com.au/blog/australian-business-directories-local-seo/ https://www.glasshat.com/australian-local-directories/ https://clickwinningcontent.com.au/page_sign_up_web_directories_list-html/ https://360votes.com/free-australia-business-listing-sites-list/ https://australianvegan.directory https://www.backlinkshub.xyz/directory-submission/ http://www.horizzoninfotech.com/archives/australian-web-directory-submission-sites-list https://campervan.directory http://ultimateseosource.com/australia-business-listing-sites/ https://webwise.com.au/free-australian-online-directories-to-list-your-website/ https://naturaltherapy.directory https://www.brightlocal.com/resources/top-50-local-citation-sites/ http://www.tendtoread.com/australia-business-listing-sites/ http://www.homebusinesssolutions.com.au/SearchEngines.htm https://nobullmarketing.com.au/top-australian-business-directories-list/ https://www.predictadigital.com/blog/top-50-australian-business-directory-list/ https://www.mttr.io/blog/seo/10-australian-directories-offering-free-listings/ https://www.learnseo.pro/2015/06/high-pr-australian-directory-sites-list.html http://www.tekhspy.com/seo/high-pr-directory-submission-sites-list/ http://www.linkbuilding365.com/100-free-directory-submission-sites-list-in-2019/


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