So you’ve probably heard of SEO and you’re convinced SEO works very.
Today we are going to discuss a number of reasons why you should be investing either your time or money into SEO.
Reason #1: SEO is an investment
When you get it right, the ROI can be remarkable. Tie in SEO to your web analytics data and note your conversion data. You will find some keywords convert better than others and are thus more profitable. Some of which keywords may be on the 2nd page of Google for that selected keyword, and not getting your website to the top 3 positions on the 1st page of Google may be leaving money on the table.
Reason #2: SEO is your SALES “diamond in the ruff”
Think of it as your ‘perfect employee’ who operates 24/7, never tires out, and always maintains their productivity 100% of the time. Your website functions flawlessly bringing in non-stop leads, traffic, phone calls, and does exactly what you tell it to do. Given the right tactics and techniques, SEO can be your highest performing rock start in your business.
Reason #3: SEO , you can’t have one without the other
SEO alone cannot help you reach your highest MARKETING potential. Something more and more effecting SEO campaigns and what ranks in Google is a new term called “WPO” Web Presence Optimization. What is WPO? WPO is the process and techniques making your business / website visible online where consumers are active. This is to include but not limited to 3rd party blogs, review sites, local listings such as yellow pages, social sites like FACEBOOK and Twitter, and the like.
Reason #4: SEO impacts buying cycles
Bottom line: SEO increases your SALES over time. Your marketing costs stay down while your profits grow over time.
Reason #5: SEO costs vary greatly. Efficiency is the key term here.
An efficient in-house SEO campaign is your key objective. You are going to need to find a cut throat, no fat, sleek internet MARKETING strategy that helps accomplish your goals faster and cheaper than your competition. This is done with one word: “research!” The one who spends the less money on their campaigns, achieves their desired rankings / results in the search engines, and capitalizes off of their traffic whom garners a higher ROI than their competitors will win.
Reason #6: SEO’ing your online assets is never too costly.
Can you say “SEO Pre-Analysis”? Keeping in mind that SEO is not a cost it’s an investment you’ll need a strategy and execution team to carry this out. While there are only a few ways to do this right, there are many more to do this wrong and thus your website rankings will suffer. You need cold hard facts, and a proven system / strategy that will work. It’s your job to create this, or essentially pay a company that already has this to do it for you.
Reason #7: SEO is an essential ingredient in your overall mix
SEO should be an active and necessary ingredient to your overall online success in internet MARKETING. While most companies build a state of the art website 1st, and then call asking for SEO to be pushed into the mix. What you have to do is start it out right from the start. SEO should be mixed in with all facets of internet marketing from the start. Sometimes starting from square 1 isn’t such a bad thing. It’ll pay off innumerably in the long run. Promise.
Reason #8: SEO is more than just coding a website properly
With well over 200 ranking factors that have been mapped out to date, coding a website properly is but one of those factors. Google now-a-days is becoming and evolving forcibly into filtering out the “non-human” perspectives of SEO and their algorithm. The days of setting up a CMS and having a program set it and forget it for you is over. SEO is an art and a science mixed together.
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