How To get More Facebook Likes - Sourabh Nagori

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Wednesday, 2 July 2014

How To get More Facebook Likes

Facebook is one of the most powerful tools for all online marketers since it enables us to promote products and services by using highly targeted campaigns with relatively low cost. Either you are using ad campaigns or viral techniques, one of the main targets is to increase the number of Facebook Fans of our pages.
In this article, we will provide 10 fast, ‘simple’ and creative ways to increase Facebook Fans and we will describe the first steps that one should take to creatively build a genuine fan base of truly engaged fans.
Firstly, we must consider why a Facebook Fan ‘likes’ a page. Except of ‘just for fun’, there can be an array of more or less obvious reasons like getting exclusive content or education, show support to friends, get coupons or special promos and discounts. Taking into account all these reasons we list the 10 following ‘miraculous’ ways:

1. Use applications

Free or paid, applications are the online marketing tools that will enhance your online Facebook Strategy. Either you create a coupon, an online streaming or contest application; the opportunities for Marketers are many and need to be investigated. There are literally thousands of applications that can help you improve your visibility. 

2. Invite your email contacts-subscribers like your page

Just click ‘Build Audience’ and then ‘Invite friends’ in the Admin Panel of your Facebook Page. Each admin can immediately invite friends and instantly be supported by Facebook contacts. In the past it was also possible for simple users to invite their friends, but this functionality was disabled to fight spam and of course increase FB’s advertising revenues.

3. Organize campaigns

Creative posts around industry related subjects for a specific time period can be a dynamic way to attract new audience.

4.  Offer valuable quality content

Avoid auto-posting and emphasize mainly on personal creative inspired messages of added-value: tips,photosvideos etc.

5. Run a contest

As we discussed in a previous article, social media contests are a great way to gain visibility in social media channels and increase audience. Often organizing them involves lower costs than using paid ads. For more information on this topic make sure you read the article “6 Tips for designing and running Social Media Contests”.

6.  Facebook ads

This tool is similar to Adwords bidding vehicle nevertheless it allows you to serve much more targeted banners depending on the interests of the user. Thus it is worth to explore and invest on it as an advertising tool. Don’t forget though that Facebook is an image-driven network and thus the pictures that you will use on your campaigns will significantly affect your Click Through Rate.

7. Link to Twitter

Twitter and Facebook posts can be linked by using various applications. Connecting the two channels is usually a good move nevertheless you should not ignore your initial Twitter strategy and practice.

8. Provide exclusive content for fans only

Providing exclusive content to the people that liked your page can help you increase your fan base. Coupons, exclusive offers, content for fans, special events, previews, and trials can become great incentives for your users.

9. Invite fans to tag your page like they tag on an image

As already discussed, Facebook is image-based and thus tagging your page on images related to your product/service is a clever way to increase your publicity.

10.  Add a large button linking from your website

As we mentioned several times in the past, adding social media buttons on strategic places on your website and blog is a basic but extremely effective way to enhance your target audience and convert your visitor into a follower/fan.
Following the above tips can help your increase your fan base, nevertheless one should not forget that listening to the feedback and comments of your users is an important and essential task:

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